
Don't really feel like going into too much detail, but I'm going into the hospital tomorrow afternoon for a minor procedure. Hopefully everything will go ok and I'll be back to blogging soon, but I just wanted to let my peeps know I hadn't disappeared. Everyone have a good weekend!


Anonymous said…
Take care Jamie :)
Anonymous said…
Good luck!
Unknown said…
I'll be thinking of you this afternoon, Jamie!
J.S. said…
Hope everything goes fine, Jamie. I'll be thinking of you.
Anonymous said…
Certainly will be thinking about you today. Sure hope all goes well.
Love You,
Anonymous said…
Hope all went well and are up blogging again soon!!
J.S. said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
J.S. said…
For all interested parties, I spoke to Jamie a few minutes ago by phone. Apparently the procedure went fine, although Jamie said she still wasn't feeling too groovy yet. Anyway, she's doing okay. Her parents and Ryan were at the hospital with her.
mcsteans said…
Thanks guys! I'm home already. Still a little groggy and in a bit of pain, but it's good to be home.
T.S.T. said…
Sending lots of positive vibes your way . . . .
Carla said…
Wishing you a speedy recovery!
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you're feeling better- we're thinking about you, homes.

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