She & Him

She & Him is the musical collaboration of Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward and until yesterday I had never heard any of their music. I'd heard Zooey sing before in Elf and thought she had a remarkably different sounding voice. Intrigued by a good review of their first single, I looked up the video.

Most times I don't have the nerve or money to take a chance on an album I've not heard most of, but on the strength of this song alone I purchased their debut, Volume One, off of iTunes. What I've heard so far is a refreshing mix of a gorgeously playful voice and fantastic laid back guitar. It's great to hear a band that sounds so relaxed - like they are playing for the pure joy of making music.


Anonymous said…
They played Asheville (45 minutes away) this past Thursday night, and had I not been working, I would have made the trip, I think.
JAL said…
Tania and I were in Philadelphia recently and caught their show. She's pretty adorable and they put on a fun show. Sadly, no cowgirl outfit at our performance. Even more unfortunate, the girl behind me had rhythm that would've put Navin R. Johnson to shame.
J.S. said…
Fans of She & Him would be absolutely thrilled to hear the vocal stylings of Jamie "Troubles" McSteans performing with her family supergroup, STEANZ. So far we're mostly a U2 cover group (with a female lead singer), but we've got some other new songs (The Cure has worked its way in there on occasion), and we're gaining confidence every day!

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