Weight Training. Now with more cat
So there was this article on CNN.com this morning about using your pet to help you exercise. I assumed this was a "yeah no kidding" piece on how walking your dog is good for you. A portion of the article did, in fact, discuss this revolutionary idea.
I have to admit, I'm currently getting more out of my Lucy walks than I'd ever imagined. We go for about 2 miles on this nice woodsy trail that circles the neighborhood, 4 times a week (dialysis days I don't make any promises). Walking Lucy is like trying to walk a steam train. For being such a runty little Lab, she's a little powerhouse. We gave up about a year ago trying to train her to walk properly so I'm using this to my advantage and getting great resistance training for my arms out of it. I know, I know, the Dog Whisperer would be appalled. Whatever, Cesar, it's great exercise.
The other half of the article was focused on using your cat in your workout. I'd definitely seen this before, mainly on YouTube, but didn't realize kitty weightlifting had taken off. If you're interested you can learn all about it at catworkout.com. Really. My hat's off to cat exercise pioneers for their creativity, but I'll have to wait until I get a more willing kitty friend before I'd even think about it.
The closest I've come to trying to exercise with Jeff the Cat was when I used to tie a long string to the back of my pants while doing housework. No kidding - he loved it. But attempting to use him as a feline barbell? Not a chance in hell.
If I tried pressing Jeff the Cat I'd be pulling back a stump
I have to admit, I'm currently getting more out of my Lucy walks than I'd ever imagined. We go for about 2 miles on this nice woodsy trail that circles the neighborhood, 4 times a week (dialysis days I don't make any promises). Walking Lucy is like trying to walk a steam train. For being such a runty little Lab, she's a little powerhouse. We gave up about a year ago trying to train her to walk properly so I'm using this to my advantage and getting great resistance training for my arms out of it. I know, I know, the Dog Whisperer would be appalled. Whatever, Cesar, it's great exercise.
The other half of the article was focused on using your cat in your workout. I'd definitely seen this before, mainly on YouTube, but didn't realize kitty weightlifting had taken off. If you're interested you can learn all about it at catworkout.com. Really. My hat's off to cat exercise pioneers for their creativity, but I'll have to wait until I get a more willing kitty friend before I'd even think about it.
The closest I've come to trying to exercise with Jeff the Cat was when I used to tie a long string to the back of my pants while doing housework. No kidding - he loved it. But attempting to use him as a feline barbell? Not a chance in hell.
If I tried pressing Jeff the Cat I'd be pulling back a stump