Weekend in L-Town

Last Friday I travelled northward back to my hometown of Lawton, Oklahoma with my parents for a wedding. The daughter of my dad's assistant, Christy (from his Orthodontic practice), got married in a lovely ceremony on Saturday. Katie and her younger sister Annie are the sweetest girls. They both looked beautiful and elegant and having known both of them since they were born, it's still hard for me to believe they are old enough to get married (Katie) or even be in college (Annie is a sophomore at Oklahoma State). Kudos to Christy for handling all of the church and reception decorations and yummy food. Thanks for inviting me!

I didn't remember to bring my camera, but I had my Blackberry:

Breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, complete with real live fire

It does exist! After 20 years of rumors Lawton was getting an Olive Garden, it finally appeared.

This was my Junior High. Go Cougars!

My dad and I killed some time at Dillard's while my mom looked for shoes,

and a purse,

and some socks.

The beautiful bride

Bridge on 281

No trip down 281 can be complete without a trip to the Hamilton DQ


J.S. said…
Your junior high looked much more old timey and cooler than my junior high.
J.S. said…
Also, Dick looks like a man of adventure and mystery.
Where da new post?

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