Happy Birthday to Mom and Nicole
Tomorrow, July 27, is a very special day. It is the birthday of two classy ladies, my mother, and my good friend Nicole. I'm happy to say, my mom and I have a great relationship. I've detailed a little of my medical history here, but that didn't just affect me. My mother went through a lot of that with me, especially in the beginning. She took me to all of my nephrologist appointments which were an hour and a half away in Oklahoma City and was there when I was first diagnosed. I've been fine with all of this for years, but it was a scary day for a previously healthy 17 year old as words like "transplant" and "dialysis" were suddenly thrown around. We were so depressed that we took a detour to the mall on our way home for shopping and about a pound of chocolate each from the Godiva store.
Mom took charge of my health, from altering our diets to doing her own research on kidney disease. She even took me to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for a second opinion (they confirmed the first opinion, but that was good to know). Over the years, she's continued to closely follow my care, whether it's flying across the country when I land in the hospital or being well versed on any new diagnosis within 24 hours.
I make it sound as if our relationship revolves around my health issues. This is not the case, rather it was redefined by them. We became good friends when I got sick, which honestly was an appropriate time for that. When you are a kid, I think it's good for moms to stay moms and not try to be your buddy. That would have made it hard for her to retain the voice of authority. As we become adults that relationship can relax a little and you become more of an equal. These days when we get together, it's usually just to have fun, which is great. My parents are moving down to San Marcos soon (they already have the house, but are not fully moved in and are there about once a month), so visits are likely to be shorter yet more frequent and spontaneous. Thursday, for example, I spent the day with Mom for her birthday going to see Mamma Mia and hanging out at their house playing pool. Their kitties were also there and were exploring their new house for the first time.

Sam and Pippin. Yes, they are named after hobbits. Yes, I may have had a hand in naming them. What?
I haven't known Nicole a long time, really only the past 2 years since we've been back in town. She's become a very good friend, however, and even made camp in our guest room this past winter and spring. Nicole is an awesome housemate and I loved having her around. She's had a rough year and I'm thrilled things are looking up for her.
We went to dinner for her birthday last night at Rudy's and I'm kicking myself now for not bringing a camera so I could post pictures. We did, however, get to admire Nicole's fancy new birthday camera, purchased for her by her man in motion, the Matt.

Nicole's camera. We can only hope her new camera will help her become a world renowned photojournalist, publishing photos under the single name, "Nicholé"
Happy Birthday Mom and Nicole! Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!
Mom took charge of my health, from altering our diets to doing her own research on kidney disease. She even took me to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN for a second opinion (they confirmed the first opinion, but that was good to know). Over the years, she's continued to closely follow my care, whether it's flying across the country when I land in the hospital or being well versed on any new diagnosis within 24 hours.
I make it sound as if our relationship revolves around my health issues. This is not the case, rather it was redefined by them. We became good friends when I got sick, which honestly was an appropriate time for that. When you are a kid, I think it's good for moms to stay moms and not try to be your buddy. That would have made it hard for her to retain the voice of authority. As we become adults that relationship can relax a little and you become more of an equal. These days when we get together, it's usually just to have fun, which is great. My parents are moving down to San Marcos soon (they already have the house, but are not fully moved in and are there about once a month), so visits are likely to be shorter yet more frequent and spontaneous. Thursday, for example, I spent the day with Mom for her birthday going to see Mamma Mia and hanging out at their house playing pool. Their kitties were also there and were exploring their new house for the first time.

Sam and Pippin. Yes, they are named after hobbits. Yes, I may have had a hand in naming them. What?
I haven't known Nicole a long time, really only the past 2 years since we've been back in town. She's become a very good friend, however, and even made camp in our guest room this past winter and spring. Nicole is an awesome housemate and I loved having her around. She's had a rough year and I'm thrilled things are looking up for her.
We went to dinner for her birthday last night at Rudy's and I'm kicking myself now for not bringing a camera so I could post pictures. We did, however, get to admire Nicole's fancy new birthday camera, purchased for her by her man in motion, the Matt.

Nicole's camera. We can only hope her new camera will help her become a world renowned photojournalist, publishing photos under the single name, "Nicholé"
Happy Birthday Mom and Nicole! Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow!
( btw. mad propz on busting out that schweet unicode “é” )