One Year Anniversary

Today Troubles McSteans celebrates our one year anniversary. Hurrah! Thanks to all three of my readers!

My mom just left. We've been cleaning since 9 this morning for our 4th of July shindig on Saturday. The house is now 85% devoid of pet hair (that's really the best one can hope for) and smells of floor cleaner. If you're going to be in the area on Saturday, feel free to drop by the house for some burgers and dogs to celebrate the U.S. of A.

Now I'm camped out on the couch, pondering a nap and listening to Lucy snoring. The dogs had a big morning, what with fleeing the vacuum, various wrestling matches, and spending about an hour in the yard while we dealt with the floor.

Jason is back from his big trip to London and it sounds like he had a great time. He's on his way over to collect Miss Cassidy. Cassidy has had a good visit - she's been a great houseguest and fun playmate for Lucy. It's getting to be time for us to get another dog. Lucy really does do better with a friend around and I feel like it's been long enough since we lost Mel that the new dog won't feel like a replacement.

I'm flipping channels and they're showing the 1987 Dragnet movie with Tom Hanks and Dan Aykroyd. God I loved this movie when I was a kid. It was one of those we watched endlessly because it was on HBO all the time. Why doesn't Tom Hanks do comedies anymore? He was hilarious. It seems like once he gained credibility as a dramatic actor he abandoned comedic roles completely (save voice work on Toy Story). What a shame.

Look out. Muppets.

Loved SYTYCD last night. I thought most of the dances were terrific and finally 'got' the hype surrounding Kayla. I thought she and Kupono did a great job with Sonia's wonderfully strange choreography:

Have a great 4th of July everyone!


The League said…
Happy First Anniversary, Jamie. Keep on keepin' it real.
J.S. said…
Congrats from me, also. Even though I see you a lot, I always get new insights into your life from the blog. Also, thanks for taking such good care of Cassidy. Like a kid returning from a fun summer camp, I think she's feeling a little let down by the mundanity of life without her constant playmates.
JAL said…
Oh, God, Tania loves SYTYCD. I am always asked if I'd want to see this really good routine, to which I am compelled by love to say, "yes".

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