The League asks Important Questions

The League has posted some questions on his site and because I've been having trouble coming up with content recently, I'm going to answer them here.

1) Kate Winslet or Cate Blanchett?
Kate Winslet.

2) What song are you listening to on repeat these days?
Since Ryan already mentioned Gnarls Barkley "Run" and TV on the Radio "Halfway Home" I'll go with Spoon "Finer Feelings" and Kenna "Out of Control (State of Emotion)".

And I don't know if I'll ever get tired of Gorillaz "19/2000 [Soulchild Remix]".

3) Matt Damon or Daniel Craig?
Daniel Craig

4) Ninja or Samurai?

5) Are we being visited by intelligent extra-terrestrials? Why or why not?
Maybe we're being visited by really dumb extra-terrestrials.

6) Would you go see a new Conan movie? And would you be more or less likely to see it if they cast the Governor of California upon his exit from office?
Oh God, no. I just can't make myself get into the Conan movies, much to Ryan's effort and dismay.

7) Cardinals or Steelers?

8) If Jamie were to become a rapper, what would her name be? If she were a Dungeons & Dragons character (let's say an 11th level Fighter with a -1 Armor Class)?

A) I'll go with the obvious - "M.C.Steans"
B) Dialyses the Sleepy of Campfield

9) What's at your house from Netflix right now? (if no Netflix, what will you most likely rent/ watch on InDemand next?)
Mad Men Season 1

10) Which animal do you get a little giddy at seeing at the zoo?
**Not safe for work or parents


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